While I’ll miss the nostalgia of summer evenings: sipping wine on the deck, patio dinners with friends, backyard banter around a small fire, star gazing, and, my personal favourite, pyjama walks - I am entirely ready for the evening chill of autumn sneaking around the corner.
Have you felt it yet? I have felt it in the mornings before we left for our trip overseas, but I hadn’t felt it in the evening yet… until tonight! It really felt like the chill was just so that I couldn’t sit there in shorts. That I, perhaps needed something light to cover my shoulders… perhaps a light… sweater.
Sweater weather!
I truly feel excitement at this time of year, much like spring. While our growing season is winding down in the North, it’s time to get ready to take in the beauty of this season. The brilliant, romantic colours, the chill in the air, the changing wardrobe, and the start of the slow season. Cozy sweaters, hot drinks, and maybe even a rainy day to chase our fires away. Orchard picking, garden harvesting and preserving. And squeezing in the last hikes of the season (for most of us). I love it.
Is anyone else this excited? It can’t just be me..
I have not felt it that way yet, but I also like that “autumn around the corner” feeling. However, for this part of the world I would love the summer to continue for a little longer ❤️